February 28th marked NIGHTBIRDS’ one-year anniversary. I can’t quite believe my debut novel has been on shelves that long! It feels like only a few weeks ago that I was pulling on my flapper dress and heading to my launch party. And yet it also feels like it’s been an eon since then. Being a published author is a wonderful thing, and I am so glad I get to do this for a living. But it’s a job laced through with uncertainty, anxiety, and a whole lot of time in sweatpants, battling that voice that says “you don’t belong.”

I’ve spent this year vacillating between joy and fear: joy that a story I wrote and love is out in the world, and that readers are finding and loving it. Fear that not enough people are finding it, and that it’s not the huge blockbuster success every author secretly hopes their book will be. I’ve learned a lot of lessons this year about setting expectations, measuring success, and learning to write through all the noise that comes with publishing. I’ve also learned to soak in every win and joyful moment when they come, and there have been so many. Meeting you, readers, at events, and getting your emails and messages, have been some of my favourites so far.
One thing I can say is that, one year on, I’m incredibly proud of NIGHTBIRDS. And I really, truly cannot wait to share FYREBIRDS with you. And remember, if you want to hear about what it’s like to write a sequel, and be the first to get sneak peeks and behind-the-scenes FYREBIRDS goodness, make sure to go and listen to my podcast Pub Dates, which has just kicked off its second season.
NIGHTBIRDS has just been named a Notable Book in the The Children’s Book Council of Australia Book of the Year awards! This is a big deal in Australia: it’s the kind of award that earns you one of those shiny stickers on your cover that readers know to reach for. I couldn’t be more honored.
So far, foreign language editions of NIGHTBIRDS have come out in Poland, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Spain, and France. Before long it’ll be coming to Germany, Russia, and Turkey! What a joy it is to see my girls in other languages.

Sneak Peek
Over on Instagram, I posted a romantic snippet from FYREBIRDS for Valentine’s Day. Here it is again, for those who might have missed it. I’ve been interested to see how much readers LOVE Willan, given that he has less page time in Book 1 than anyone else. But I get it. Who doesn’t like a sensitive pirate who’s all about supporting the ladies? I present this sneak peek with very little context, other than: 1) it takes place in the hold of a ship, and 2) Willan spends the entire scene shirtless. You’re welcome.
“I know you don’t need me,” he goes on. “You are strong enough to take care of yourself. But whatever is coming, I want to fight beside you. If it’s my fate to die there too, that’s all right. I’m not going to let a vision make my choices for me. I choose my own fate. And I choose you. But I will leave if you ask. I will never take anything you don’t want to give me. And I won’t kiss you, ever, unless you ask me to.”
He turns and starts walking back toward the stairs. She tells herself to let him leave her. But this love is theirs, and she wants to claim it. Æsa wants to chart her own path, come what may.
He turns back. She takes a step, pulling him closer. And then she touches his bare chest, as she’s longed to do, fingers spreading across wet skin. The only sounds are the rain pattering on the deck above them, Willan’s lantern swinging on its hinges, and his heart crashing under her hand.
“Kiss me.”
Remember, if you’re in the USA, you can now pre-order your copy of FYREBIRDS. Australia, I should have pre-order links for you soon!
Meanwhile, on Pub Dates…
After taking a hiatus while we both edited our sequels, Amie and I are BACK on the air! We kicked off last month with an episode where we reintroduce ourselves and let listeners know what Season 2 holds in store. If its ben a while since you listened, or have a friend you might like to introduce the show to, this one’s the perfect point of reentry. We plan to post two episodes a month from here until FYREBIRDS and THE HEART OF THE WORLD come out.
What I’m Reading/Watching/Listening to
Dark Heir by C.S. Pacat and The Fragile Threads of Power by VE Schwab. Both immersive, beautifully written fantasy novels that I’m finding hard to put down.
The Artful Dodger. This show has everything I love: an interesting historical setting, beautiful costumery, romance, and a healthy dose of intrigue. Other than the gory surgery scenes, which I watched through my fingers, I found Season 1 an utter delight.
Until next time, friends.
congratulations on the anniversary! I only found out about the book recently through the podcast and am still reading it (with DJ snake's Nightbird song on loop on spotify lol) but am enjoying it so far! And those spayed edges for the german edition look so cool!
First, congrats on Notable Book!! Also that snippet? I'm not blushing, you're blushing